viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Curso de literatura argentina., Carlos Gamerro

  1. Curso de literatura argentina.
¡Llegó la modernidad a la literatura argentina! En junio leemos El juguete rabioso, la novela en la cual Roberto Arlt da por finiquitado el siglo XIX reescribiendo, como novela de anti-aprendizaje, una versión punk/pibes chorros de Don Segundo Sombra. Y de yapa leeremos “El indigno” de Borges, su cuento-homenaje a la novela de Arlt.
3 clases.
Horario 1: Lunes 19.00-20.30; 2, 9 y 16/6.
Horario 2: Viernes 10.30-12.00; 6,13 y 20/6.

A partir del lunes 23, o el viernes 27, y en los mismos horarios, leeremos la gran novela de Leopoldo Marechal, Adán Buenosayres (junio-julio, 5 clases) así que no se duerman!

2. Literature in English. England and Beyond.

Following the trail of a literature over which (in days past) the sun never set, we move to India and to a young boy’s political and sentimental education in the heyday of the British Empire: Kim, one of Rudyard Kipling’s most famous novels, and especially important for us since it inspired many of Borges’ visions of India.

We follow with another tale of Empire, but now at its rope’s end; a multi-layered story, as populous and varied as India itself, taking place during and after Indian independence: Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children, the only novel so far to obtain not only the Broker Prize but the coveted ‘Booker of Bookers’ and ‘Best of Bookers’ prizes as well (best Booker Prize winner in 25 and 40 years, respectively).

Kim: 3 classes: Wednesdays 10.30-12.00; 4, 11 & 18/6.

Midnights’ Children: 5 classes: Wednesdays 10.30-12.00; 28/6; 2, 16, 23 & 30/7.

3. Shakespeare en español.

Durante el mes de junio continúa y se completará la lectura de Julio César.
Martes 19.00-20.30 ó Jueves 10.30-12.00.

Carlos Gamerro – Gurruchaga 536 – 2° L – 4855-5642.

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